Surprised Employees

"Okay, this is the housing floor for us technical staff. Your names are attached to the doors, so find your respective rooms; your new employee card is the key to the room. The interior has more amenities than you can imagine!" the supervisor clapped his hands and said loudly. "A surprise awaits you; discover it for yourselves. I'm off to receive the second batch!"

The employees grew excited at the supervisor's words and started looking for their own room.

One employee saw his name on a door, and he figured that this should be his new home. He instantly retrieved his newly issued employee card from his duffel bag, swiped it at the censor, and the door gradually opened.

After he entered the room with his belongings, the door behind him closed automatically after a few seconds. The puffing of the air valve startled him, and he cried again in surprise. "Fully automatic—so advanced!"

He couldn't wait to lay his bag on the ground right then and there to check out the interior of the room. When he turned on the lights, he was pleasantly surprised to see that everything was brand new.

There was a sofa, crystal-glass table, and an exquisite ring chandelier hanging from the ceiling. He also spotted a refrigerator. After opening it, he was astonished to find the entire refrigerator stuffed with a variety of drinks, snacks, and even a few bottles of high-end wine. He expected it to be empty. He eagerly grabbed a can of cola and checked out the other areas of the room.

He exclaimed, "Personal bookshelf! Balcony! TV! Computer! Bathroom! Bedroom…"

Everything was there, even things that he didn't expect to have. He was baffled. He finally understood why the supervisor had been stressing to them to not bring unimportant items, except for necessities.

This room alone fulfilled the needs of one at a hotel level of enjoyment. He didn't need to bring anything at all! There were three bedrooms, two living rooms, one balcony, one bathroom, and one kitchen. The entire space was over 200 square meters and had top of the line amenities. After drawing the curtains, sunlight spilled onto the entire living room.

This employee felt like if this kind of luxurious housing were in the capital, perhaps he wouldn't be able to afford it without decades of frugal living. But now, he owned such top-class housing and all to his own, no less!

He turned to the living room and couldn't help but sit on the brand new couch, enjoying the sunlight coming in through the window behind him and closing his eyes. He felt like he should be able to bring his girlfriend over anytime.

He was a recent employee of this company, and he vaguely remembered how competitive it was in the beginning: only one out of every 20 candidates was qualified. He became one of the lucky ones, knowing that those who applied for the job were all elites. The monthly salary of 7000 RMB was a bit low compared to most employees who earned tens of thousands. But that was because he just joined the company. From this moment on, he made up his mind that he would never leave this company for the rest of his life. Not only that, but he also had to double his efforts to avoid the possibility of being fired.

He remembered that on the way to the headquarters by bus, a number of villas were being built near the Nanwang Reservoir, nestled in the mountains. It was said that these villas would be rewarded in the future to employees and managers who made important contributions to the company. Not far from the villas, there was also an artificial beach under construction, which wasn't open to the outside world, but only to internal staff.

XlouS had an internal policy of working four days a week for eight hours a day, and having three days off. Not only that, but there would be double pay for overtime, in line with European standards.

At the thought of this series of wonderful treatments, he felt really glad to enter this company. This would be the luckiest day of his life.

This is life!

He couldn't help but take out his phone and start taking all sorts of pictures, ready to upload them to the internet and show his friends his blissfulness.

Not only him, but all the employees of XlouS were also as bewildered as he was, so much so that they almost screamed, "Hooray for Chairman Ren!"

It was apparent that if this treatment from XlouS was made known to the outside world, there was no telling how many house slaves would be envious of them.

On the other hand, Ren Hong reached to the first floor of the 'X' shaped building.

"Where's the CEO?" Wearing the sunglasses, a gray short-sleeved t-shirt, and pair of jeans, Ren Hong asked his assistant, Mu.

"President Gao is in charge of the ribbon cutting ceremony and setting up the launch site," Mu quickly said.

A group of bodyguards escorted Ren Hong as he nodded and sauntered away. "Where exactly is she now?"

"At the 'O' shaped building!" The assistant said.

Ren Hong nodded and spoke no more. The group of people went straight to the 'O' shaped building.

One of the sharp-eyed reporters lingering in the headquarters park suddenly spotted Ren Hong and his group walking by. She looked at the young man in front of the pack and her eyes glinted. Although he wore a pair of flat, black sunglasses, the same black t-shirt and jeans gave him away. This young man was at the helm of this emerging giant company, XlouS; he was the company founder—Ren Hong.

"Hurry, hurry!" She urged her partner who was carrying the camera and started going after Ren Hong's group.

After a while, more and more reporters swarmed forward. Ren Hong and the rest were instantly surrounded by 20 to 30 reporters, and even more began to converge toward them.

"Mr. Ren! Please give us an interview!"

"Mr. Ren…"

Ren Hong remained very calm. The bodyguards around him opened up the path ahead, while the group of reporters constantly snapped pictures and jabbered. Ren Hong hadn't been seen in person since the interview he gave two years ago, with CEO Gao Yue largely in charge of the company's launch and operations.

Ren Hong was secretive in his movements and traces, so his sudden appearance was a thrill to the reporters. Although he was rarely seen in public, he was the founder of XlouS, a new internet bigwig, and the country and even the world's youngest billionaire, after all, so there was just too much to talk about him.

However, the silent Ren Hong apparently had no intention of giving any interviews, but that didn't stop the reporters from being enthusiastic. What if he suddenly decided to give an interview? There was no harm asking.

Unfortunately, Ren Hong never opened his mouth from the beginning to the end.

Until they arrived at the 'O' shaped building, the reporters who pursued to no avail could only give up helplessly as the security personnel stopped them. Soon after, Gao Yue came out to greet Ren Hong.

"You've done well, Sister Gao!" As soon as they met, Ren Hong smiled. It had been two years, and their relationship was very stable. Their respective jobs didn't change as a result either. Ren Hong was in charge of engaging in technology, while Gao Yue was responsible for the day-to-day operations of the company. The combination was perfect.

"I'm so excited!" Gao Yue said with a smile.

"When does it start?" Ren Hong asked.

"The ribbon cutting ceremony will start at 11:00, and a presentation will be held at 11:30!" Gao Yue replied.

Ren Hong looked at the time. "Half an hour left! I'll leave it to you; I need to check out the production department!"

"Today is the most important day of the company. Won't it be too unacceptable that you're not going to attend?" Gao Yue looked at him quizzically.

"This boring ceremony is as tedious as a typical opening ceremony, My first appearance must be at the launch of my second product, and right now, my main concern is when my new product will be ready for the market!" Ren Hong glanced around him and saw that many reporters had begun to arrive on the scene.