Wearable Smart Devices

"But today…" said Gao Yue, who felt that it was irresponsible of her as the founder of the company not to even step into this situation.

"There's no buts. I have you here running the show. I only deal with technology and am interested only in technology. You're in charge of selling, which is perfect!" Ren Hong interrupted and laughed, quickly leaving the 'O' shaped building and leading a group of bodyguards toward the 'S' shaped building without hearing her response. The 'S' shaped building was the most tightly guarded area. Reporters weren't allowed to enter and unrelated personnel were also prohibited from approaching. Not only that, but photographs also weren't allowed to be taken. Anyone lurking around the perimeter would be evicted.

That was because the 'S' shaped building was where XlouS's current technology development and production departments were located. The building was immediately in operation the day after it was fully established.

Ren Hong entered the 'S' shaped building and put on a white, clean suit. The director of the production department immediately came to greet him as soon as he learned of his arrival.

The interior was almost spotless, completely free of any dust.


A 34 years old, 1.75 meters tall, middle-aged man with a square face walked up to Ren Hong. He was the head of XlouS's production department, Wang Lei. He wore an excited look on his face.

"Are the samples ready?" Ren Hong nodded and got straight to the point.

Upon hearing his words, the excitement on Wang Lei's face became even greater. "It's ready! Chairman, please come with me!" Wang Lei showed a gesture of invitation, while Ren Hong nodded and followed him into a lab.

The lab was filled with a metallic luster and light reflections. Wang Lei led Ren Hong to a 1.5 meter high round table. On that round table, there was a transparent cylindrical tempered glass that even bullets couldn't shatter.

Inside the cylindrical tempered glass, there was a gray, rectangular strip that emanated a bright metallic luster. That item had a length of 160mm, a width of 24mm, and a thickness of an ultra-thin 4mm.

Wang Lei's eyes glinted brightly when he saw the item inside the glass cylinder. His heart was overwhelmed with excitement. When Ren Hong, who stood at the side, looked at it, he said, "Take it out and let me have a good look!"

Wang Lei carefully took out the item, handing it to Ren Hong, "Chairman, this was produced three days ago. This is simply a black technology—no! Extraterrestrial technology!"

Ren Hong received the item. He wasn't as careful as Wang Lei and could be said to be rather careless with it. The item had a good hand-feel and indeed, 4mm was a little thin. He nodded in satisfaction and held the short ends of the rectangular strip with his hands. Shortly after, he used some force to pull the rectangular strip apart, splitting it from the middle and extending its width from the original 24mm to 86mm. The middle was completely hollowed out at a length of 140mm. The rectangular strip became a hollowed out rectangle with a blue halo of light surging through the four built-in borders. The length and width corresponded with each other.

Then, a miraculous scene appeared. All of a sudden, a colorful on-screen interface appeared within the hollow built-in borders. Yes, a colorful on-screen interface. Wang Lei continued looking with excitement.

This was apparently a smart device. The hollow display interface listed quite a few application icons. To be exact, this should be a smartphone, but it also couldn't be defined that way because…

Ren Hong tapped on the screen and in an instant, it returned to its original state. He placed the rectangular strip on his wrist and used his other hand to bend it. The bent ends of the rectangular strip overlapped each other perfectly, turning into a bracelet on his wrist.

After a moment, Ren Hong held his wrist in his palm and applied some pressure to the bracelet. Both ends of the bracelet immediately separated and it returned to a straight rectangular strip again. He looked at Wang Lei. "What are all the current issues?"

"We've tested; there are no issues. The operating system and hardware are stable. We've created a perfect work of art in just two years!" Wang Lei said in exhilaration.

When Wang Lei first heard about the concept of this product, he felt that it was unrealistic. That was why he was stunned beyond words as the components produced from more than 60 different production departments came together in the final assembly and this finished product appeared before his eyes.

It was apparent that this was a wearable smart device. There were an incredible 30 million components inside the small rectangular strip. And in order for the strip to bend and fit on one's wrist, at least 1.6 million and a maximum of 2.3 million micro-components were operating inside the small rectangular strip at once.

"The operating system will be named XlouS OS!" Ren Hong said, turning to Wang Lei, asking, "How many lines are ready for production?"

"There are only two. As per your request, Chairman, we are about to have eight production lines, and the raw materials to produce this product arrived three days ago. We expect to produce 30 million units of this device!" Wang Lei had a very good memory and immediately responded.

Ren Hong nodded and instructed: "Establish the other six production lines as soon as possible and start producing the device at full force. How much capacity can you have on the day of the launch?"

Wang Lei thought about it, "The manufacturing process of this device is complicated. All of the original components are produced independently without outsourcing, so the monthly production capacity is estimated to be 2.4 million."

The design of this device was not only complex, but its degree of secrecy was also very high. The components involved also involved dozens of production departments, where even Wang Lei, the production head of this device, had yet to figure out the hardware configuration. He couldn't be blamed since Ren Hong's secrecy measures were too strict. Moreover, the assembled product wasn't detachable. As soon as one forcibly disassembled the device, its internal battery would automatically start anti-disclosure measures, burning the internal precision components and core technology.

Not only was the device produced in-house with stringent secrecy measures, but its finished product also came with several protective measures added by Ren Hong. One of them included a hardware self-destruct function. One might think that the protection would be useless when the battery was drained. However, the electrical source that supported the function was back-up power and not consumed by usage of the device.

That was because the device consisted of more than 200 brand new technologies, including laser-hedge imaging technology, new chip technology, and so on.

These were the results of XlouS's two years, and if it weren't for the supercomputing power of Tianhe-2, even a genius like Ren Hong wouldn't have been able to break through so many technologies so quickly in two years.

"That will be seven million units in three months; sounds about right." Ren Hong pondered and nodded, before gazing at Wang Lei. "Also, install a voice assistant on this device."

"A voice assistant?" Wang Lei was stunned and somewhat confused.

Ren Hong smiled mysteriously. "If you think this is the finished product, you are so wrong. The voice assistant will give this device a soul and it will see a qualitative leap."