Saika/Cure Hydra Profile

The single flower that rains down from the heavens, Cure Hydra!

Translation: Ten kara furu ichirin no hana, Cure Hydra!

Name: Saika Amano

Age: 15

Height: 5' 11"

Hair color: pale blue with lavender tips

Personality: Saika is an honor student at Hope Springs High School that excels in every class she's in. She strives to be the perfect role model for children everywhere. Tho there are times where Saika is considered to be too perfect. Like Cure Selene from star twinkle, Saika's parents want her to be the perfect daughter. So when Kohana came along, she learned that it's ok to make mistakes sometimes and that those mistakes are what help us grow as a person. Learning to live a little is what inspired her to become an artist that children could look up to. Saika was always good at painting beautiful rainy landscapes and it was what helped her to unwind in times of stress.

Saika uses the PreRing to transform into Cure Hydra. As Cure Hydra, she represents the inspiration to follow your dreams and to believe that you can be anything you aspire to become. The inspiration for Cure Hydra is the Hydrangea. Cure Hydra's weakness is that she tends to be a bit headstrong and cocky in times of battle so that would cloud her judgement. Cure Hydra's base color is indigo and the sub color is violet. Cure Hydra's attack is "Precure! Hydra Rainstorm".