Hikaru/Cure Marigold

The single flower that shimmers in the stormy sky, Cure Marigold!

Translation: Aremoyō no sora ni yureru ichirin no hana, Cure Marigold!

Name: Hikaru Abara

Age: 15

Height: 5' 6"

Hair color: Blonde

Personality: Hikaru is a sweet caring girl that is perceived to be a human doll because she hardly expresses her feelings towards others. Due to being bullied in primary school at age 8,  she secluded herself from the outside world never socializing with another person until she met Kohana and Saika. Slowly but surely Hikaru started opening up to others due to the help she received to help her conquer her fear of expressing herself around others. Other than that, whenever she gets close to someone, Hikaru's a bubbly cheerful bundle of energy that loves to express her feelings through the pictures she takes using the old antique camera passed down to her from her grandmother at around age 5. During her free time, Hikaru likes to hang around the local flower garden to take gorgeous pictures of the various plants and animals. Being out in nature has always been Hikaru's favorite pastime that helps to relax her nerves and think about new ways to take gorgeous pictures.

Hikaru uses the PreRing to transform into Cure Marigold. As Cure Marigold, she represents the cheerfulness and energy deep inside of every person. One key weakness of Marigold is that she is really tenderhearted so it's really easy to through her of her game. The inspiration for Cure Marigold is the Marigold. Cure Marigold's attack is called "Precure! Marigold Thunder Clap".