One day in the city of Hope Springs, Kohana and her parents arrived at their new home that was next to a gorgeous park that was surrounded by many beautiful flowers. Once Kohana got out of the car, she took a deep breath to take in the fresh air that nature provides.
"Ahhh it feels good to have the fresh spring breeze blowing through my my hair" Kohana says as she starts taking boxes into the house with her parents.
One by one, the family took boxes into the house before unpacking. The house was decorated with lilies both outside and inside, the kitchen was open while letting in the lush natural light that shines from the window, and the living room was big enough to entertain an entire crowd of people. After getting her room set up, Kohana went outside to explore the neighborhood to familiarize herself with her surroundings so she wouldn't get lost.
Upon walking out of her house, Kohana accidentally bumped into her next door neighbor, Saika Amano, whom was standing outside the door getting hit on her forehead by the rim of the door. "Oops! I'm so so so sorry about that! Are you ok?" Kohana politely asked while giggling a bit.
"Yeah I'm ok. I just didn't expect you to be walking out the door 😅" said Saika while she rubbed her forehead.
"That's good ^^! What brings you here on such a fine day" asked Kohana as she happily walked out the door before closing it behind her.
"Nothing! I was just wanted to welcome you and your family to the neighborhood ^^" Said Saika as she smiles elegantly before walking with Kohana into the park so they could get to know each other better.
~meanwhile in a land far away~
"Two long years have passed and yet we still haven't conquered all of the Kingdom of Blooming Colors and now I get stuck with watching two measly teenagers" said Mothra as she looks through a stained glass window that shows her what was going on with the girls on earth.
"You did lose the bet after all" said Rateria as he climbs up the wall until he was next to Mothra.
"Oh buzz off you overgrown lazy rat! I know that I lost!!" Mothra says angrily while flicking Rateria on his forehead.
"Ouch!! What was that for?!" Rateria yells as he rubbed his forehead while glaring at Mothra.
"Because you're being a thorn in my side during my shift!!" Said Mothra as she threw Rateria out of the Pesticide's HQ with a single powerful throw.
"Now back to business ^^!" Mothra began browsing the area for angry individuals to use in order to funnel their anger into the forbidden fruit so she and the others could free King Pesticide. Upon finding a child throwing a temper tantrum at the park, Mothra flutters her large wings until black scales fly through the window surrounding the boy. The scales then covered the boy's body causing his heart to turn jet black. "Branch out! Shioreta!" Mothra yells as the boy took on a monstrous form seeming to look like a wolf.
~meanwhile back in Hope Springs~
The wolf Shioreta starts reeking havoc around the park just as Kohana and Saika arrived. It was smashing the benches, ripping up all the flowers, and destroying everything at the playground.
"Someone's got to put a stop to this or else the park will be destroyed!" Saika says as she witnessed everything that was happening at the park.
"I will go and find help while you get all the people to safety!" Said Kohana as she ran towards the local church that was down the street.
Saika nods as she gathered everyone up and hid in the concession stand while Kohana rushed to the church in order to find help. Upon arriving at the church, Kohana saw a large decorative garden filled with many gorgeous flowers of various sizes and colors. "Wow!! This is so pretty!!! I wonder why everyone doesn't come here as often. The church doesn't seem to be all that run down. All it needs is a little touch up here and there besides the garden" Kohana says to herself as she walks inside the church to see if anyone was there.
The inside of the church was GRAND! It was filled with many rows of pews that could fit a whole crowd of people, there was a beautiful white and gold grand piano sitting next to where the choir would sing, and there was a gorgeous stained glass window depicting the arrival of four legendary warriors to defeat an evil entity.
[Whoa 0.0! I had no idea that the church here was this big] Kohana thought to herself as she looked around before accidentally bumping into Aria whom was looking like a priestess.
"Sorry about that! I was just looking for help but couldn't resist admiring your beautiful church" Kohana says as she bows in an apologetic manner.
"It's alright ^^! People run into me all the time these days. What is it you need help with" Aria asked in a calm elegant tone of voice.
"Oh right! There's big huge wolf terrorizing the park and there's nothing we can do to stop it" Said Kohana as she explains everything that happened.
[Them blasted Pesticides are back] Aria thought to herself. "Ahhh I see! I think I might have just the thing you need" Aria says as she led Kohana into a large greenhouse that was hidden in the back of the church.
There stood before them four flowers (a lily, hydrangea, marigold, and green orchid) that had buds but not yet bloomed. "To gain the power you need to defeat this evil, you must pray before nature and then you will receive a gift of the likes you have never seen before" Aria says in an almost heroic voice.
"Ok I guess I will give it a try" Kohana says as she knelt before the flowers praying with all her heart and soul so that she may help those that are desperately in need of help.
The lily then blooms before Kohana revealing a ring in the center of it. "A ring? What am I supposed to do with this" asked Kohana as she put the ring on her finger.
"Simple! Just repeat after me and say "Precure! Blessed Reincarnation"" said Aria as winks at Kohana.
"Alright then" Said Kohana as she put both hands together as if she were about to pray.
"Precure! Blessed Reincarnation" Kohana yells as her styled itself into a long ponytail that was while with golden highlights.
A vine then grew from the PreRing wrapping itself around Kohana's left arm until it reached the other arm before bursting into white and gold cuffs along with long flowing sleeves that were the same color. Two more vines grew from below Kohana's feet before wrapping around both her legs before bursting into a pair of white heels with golden anklets just above her ankles. Kohana then kissed the PreRing before raising her left hand to the sky as sparkles of light rain down upon her before coming together to form a vintage white blouse with gold outlines and a white skirt with gold outlines that looked like a lily. She then lands in the center of a church as she looks up at the skylight as the sunshine rains down upon her.
"The single flower that shines through to the heavens, Cure Celeste" she yells while doing an elegant pose.
"Ehhhh?! What did I just say?! What did I just do?!! Why do look so gorgeous?!!" Cure Celeste was feeling utterly confused at the moment.
"All will be revealed in due time, but for now you need to stop that wolf" Said Aria as she pointed towards the park.
Celeste nods before zipping to the park faster than she could blink. "Ok now I could get used to this" Said Celeste as the wolf Shioreta charged at her with lightning speed. Celeste got a bit scared before lightly punching it causing it to go flying. "Never realized I was THAT strong" she said to herself.
"Quick purify the Shioreta before it has a chance to recover" said Aria as she ran towards Celeste.
Celeste then nods before crossing both her arms. "Precure! Celestial Garden" she yells before spreading arms as a circle of light forms below the Shioreta as flowers grew below its feet making it feel at ease before changing back into the little boy that was now fast asleep.
To be continued...