After that whole issue with the Shioreta was resolved, Cure Celeste hid behind a tree in order to change back before going to check on those that were hid inside the concession stand. "Is everyone ok?" Asked Kohana.
"We're a little shaken up but we'll be ok. Is the monster gone?" Saika asks as she guides the citizens outside with Kohana.
"Yes everything is fine! The Precure stopped it" Said Kohana while sweat rolled down her cheek even though she was the one that purified the Shioreta.
"Interesting! Oh btw my name is Amano Saika" She says with an elegant yet gentle smile.
"Nice to meet you ^^! My name is Hanabira Kohana" She says with a happy smile on her face.
Later on in the day, everyone had went home. Meanwhile Saika was outside enjoying the calm spring breeze while watching the sun set below the clouds. Suddenly an evening shower started pouring down all across Hope Springs as the fading light made all the surrounding plants glitter like diamonds. Saika was then inspired to paint this picture before her very eyes while she set up her easel and got out her paint along with a blank canvas.
She then took her time to draw this gorgeous moment that was now happening in front of her down to the last detail and not even missing a stroke. She then starts painting it all in watercolor to give the viewers a feeling that it was actually raining in front of them. "Perfect" Saika thought to herself as she cleans up her mess before doing some last minute touch ups to the painting.
"This is gorgeous Saika" said Mizore (Saika's mom) as she walks up to take a look at the painting.
"Thx mom ^^! At least you're supportive of me becoming an artist unlike dad" Said Saika as she set the painting in a dry spot so it could set.
Saika and Mizore then walk back inside seeing Yukio (Saika's dad) sitting at the dining room table with a nasty expression on his face. "What's wrong dad? Bad day at work?" Saika gently asks while heading into the kitchen to make a few cups of tea for herself and her parents.
"Yeah you could say that but don't you have homework to do or something? You seem as though you're being a bit of a slacker for the past couple weeks even before our neighbors moved in" Yukio says in a snarky tone of voice.
Saika didn't utter a single word knowing she would get yelled at if she answered her dad's question nicely. She then walks back into the dining room with the cups of tea just before sitting next to Mizore. "I don't want your filthy tea you slacker!!" Yukio swipes his hand across the table knocking his tea off causing the cup to break once it made contact with the floor.
~Time Skip~
Kohana and Saika were both walking to school together while Saika had a sad expression on her face with a small tear running down her cheek. "What's the matter Saika? Did something happen at home yesterday" Kohana asks while laying her hand on Saika's shoulder.
"Yeah but I don't wanna talk about it right now..." Saika says in a sad tone of voice.
"Alright then talk about it when you're ready ok? If you ever need anything or just need someone to talk to, you could always come to me or the priestess down at the local church" said Kohana as she stops to give Saika a hug.
"Ok and thanks Kohana. You're really a good friend to me" Said Saika as she hugs back while starting to feel a little better than before.
Some time passes by as the two girls made it to school before walking into their classroom. Saika then took her seat at the front of the class while standing next to the home room teacher Ms Sakurai. "Greetings my fellow 2nd yrs! I am happy to present to you our new student that moved all the way from Okinawa ^^! *faces Kohana* Why don't you write your name on the board and tell us a little about yourself" she asked politely before sitting down at her desk.
Kohana nods before she turns around to write her name on the chalkboard behind her. She then took a deep breath before turning back around facing the class. "Hi everyone my name is Hanabira Kohana and am 15 yrs old. I like to garden with my mom on the weekends, I also like singing and playing the violin, and best of all I love being out in nature with those I hold dear to me" she says happily before taking her seat.
~Meanwhile at Pesticide HQ~
"Grrrrrrr!!!! That precure is a real thorn in my side and needs to be dealt with accordingly" Mothra says to herself angrily while walking around thinking of a way to get back at the Precure.
"Why not use the anger of a parent against Cure Celeste" asked Rattler whom was the third general of the pesticides and also the youngest.
"Yus!! That's an amazing idea!! Thank you Rattler-kun~" Mothra says happily before kissing Rattler on his cheek which made the 16 yr old boy blush.
Mothra then flies up to the stained glass window looking through it to find a suitable target. "Hmmmm let's see it would have to be someone with a good amount of pent up anger" Mothra says to herself before locking onto Yukio seeing a large build up of pent up emotions that were waiting to explode.
"Ooo we got a live one here" said Mothra as she starts fluttering her wings causing black scales to fill the air before they made their way to Yukio covering his entire body causing his heart to turn black. "Branch out! Shioreta" she yelled as Yukio changed into a giant fireball.
~Meanwhile on earth~
The fireball then made its way to the school causing massive destruction as fire started burning everything in its path. Kohana's PreRing then starts glowing brightly signaling her that there was trouble afoot. She then asks for permission to use the restroom before quickly running into the girls bathroom to transform.
"Precure! Blessed Reincarnation!" Kohana yells she transforms into Cure Celeste.
"The single flower that shines through to the heavens, Cure Celeste!" She says while doing an elegant pose.
Cure Celeste then rushed outside to help the frightened people get to safety before going to fight the fireball Shioreta only to notice that she couldn't touch it without getting burned. So she decided to make her way to the church to strategize a plan to defeat the Shioreta.
Meanwhile Saika was getting people out of the school just before noticing Cure Celeste heading towards the church. She then temporarily had someone take over for her before steadily following behind Cure Celeste without getting noticed.
"What can I help you with today Cure Celeste?" Asked Aria as she walks over to the troubled Precure.
"I fought the Shioreta but I just can't seem to touch it with it being made of fire and all" Cure Celeste says as she explains the entire situation.
"Hmmmm seems to me you need the help of another Precure in order to defeat this Shioreta" Said Aria
"Well that's just great! How am I supposed to find another person on such short notice" Said Cure Celeste as her temper starts to flare up slightly.
"Ahem why not try asking our little visitor for some assistance" asked Aria as she pointed to Saika.
"Eh?" Cure Celeste turns around to face Saika.
"Where did you come from Saika-chan?!!" Cure Celeste exclaims
"I-I followed you here and how did you know my name" asked Saika.
[Busted] Cure Celeste thought to herself. "Well it's quite hard to explain but it's me Kohana 😅" She said while rubbing the back of her neck.
"Eh? Eh? Eh?!!! That was you from yesterday?!!!" Saika was feeling utterly confused at this point before Aria filled her in.
"I see so that's what happened" Said Saika as she took a deep breath before making her way into the greenhouse to pray before the Hydrangea with all her heart and soul.
The Hydrangea then blooms showing the indigo PreRing before Saika put it on before assuming a praying position.
"Precure! Blessed Reincarnation!" Saika yells as her hair turns indigo with violet tips.
Saika then stomps on a puddle of water causing drops of water be suspended all around her. She then took a paint brush before dipping it in one of the droplets causing the tip of the brush to turn while before painting both her wrists which caused white and violet ribbons to appear. She then repeats the same thing before swiping the paint brush along her feet causing blue heels with violet ribbons to appear. Saika then jumped into the rainy sky as her body got wet causing an indigo dress with violet lace to form while a white choker appeared on her neck along with golden earrings.
She then elegantly descends from the clouds landing in the middle of a large church sanctuary causing a ripple of water to appear below her feet.
"The single flower that rains down from the heavens, Cure Hydra" she says in an elegant tone as five water dragons appear behind her.
To be continued...