Little Savage Robin: Two

Chapter Two: Baby Sitting

Robin's POV

Everyone in the room scattered, running towards the exit, while I was running the opposite direction. I followed the guy who was in the hoodie. He was running in some dark place and I followed him. What was this guy up to? We were outside in some strange place. Holy smokes. He was no longer in sight. How did he disappear so fast? I was walking back to where we exited from and he grabbed me in some weird place. His hands were clamped down on my mouth to prevent me from screaming.

"Don't.move." He whispered next to my ear. Chills were all over me. What have I gotten myself in?

Now I saw the reason why he told me not to move. Some thug looking guys had guns in their hands looking for someone. Probably him.

When the coast was clear he sets his hand free from my mouth. I turned to take a look at the guy but he was long gone.

A blue feather dropped on the black leather party dress I was in. I took it with me, just in case.

I found my way to my car Berta was inside the car scared to death. I opened the car door to see her curled up in a ball, her notebook opened on the pages on the floor of the car.

"Berta," I touched her and she flinched.

She looked up, notifying my voice, "Thank god Robin," Berta hugged me from my seat.

"Where's Sally?" I asked, starting the car.

"Oh...she texted me and told me that she was out with that Simon guy," Berta straightened her red silk dress.

"Ohkay." I drove off.

Berta tapped on the dashboard continuously. She never wiped the stupid smile off her face, "You know, just imagining a day with Ty, it's just so unbelievable."

"And what's so unbelievable about that?" I stopped at the first stoplight that changes to red.

"Everything Robin. I like him like a lot and just to be in one house with him." She ran a hand over her hair.

"Let's be predictable. Don't get freaked out when things get a little over the edge."


"You know guys and their stupid hormones. They can't keep it to themselves. But don't be too easy. Play hard to get," I continued driving the minute the light changed to green.

Berta sighed, "I don't know Robin. It's difficult to play hard to get when you like someone desperately. But I'll give it a shot."

"Give it more than just a shot dear. Play hard to get."


I dropped off Berta at her house then went to mines after. Mom was there alright with my bitchy ass of a sister Jordin. She was my better half, well my worst half. The good thing about it was...we are not identical twins. So we didn't look like.

Why I hated her?

•Everything I do, she's the first to complain to mom.

•She's the perfect picture of betrayal.

•She's the one who cannot make me have boys around.

Welcome to my bitchy ass of a sister, Jordin Aves.

"Look who decided to show up at what time of the night..." Jordin read the time on her wristwatch, "...wait 2 am in the morning," she was being sarcastic.

"Look at who's been all bitchy." I rolled my eyes.

"Two weeks. That's all I'm giving you." Mom glared at me.

"But mom..." I argued.

"Three weeks. Do you want me to go up to a month?" mom scolded.

Jordin smiled.

"No wonder why dad dumped you," I mumbled, turning my back walking away.

"That makes it four weeks young lady," mom was stirring in complete anger. Like I cared.

Well... thank heavens I was in my room again. I could finally breathe and the party dress I was wearing was sucking the air from my lungs. I fought my way out of the dress, throwing it in the bean bag across the room.

I jumped in sports shorts and a tank top. I washed the excessive makeup from my face and jumped in bed. That guy, the blue feather. Who was he? I was desperate to know him, to know who he was. But I don't want to get myself in any trouble. I have school tomorrow. School sucks.


"I'm borrowing your car for tonight," Jordin told me instead of asking.

"Are you asking or are you telling me to?" I arched a brow. We still have some sister love but she was bitchy.

"I'm asking."

"And why will I lend you my car?"

"I'm going out with a friend," she rolled her eyes to the back of her head.

"A friend? Wow." I know my better half.

"What's the big deal anyway. So can I borrow it?"


She rolled her eyes, "Please."

"Even if it has the slightest scrape, you're paying for it. I'll give it to you later,"  I warned her.

"Whatever," she turns her back, walking out of my room. So I guess I have school now. Sucks.

I wore a casual outfit like always. But I don't have the time to waste about what I will be wearing or what or who I am at school. I don't have the time. Time was too precious to waste.

I picked Berta up. She was busy reading a book, Love is Blind. Well, I don't really believe in the love shit. Call it that but I don't, since my last breakup.

"I will be babysitting his sister. Wow," Berta smiles.

"And you're so jolly about that? You sound like an eight-year-old."


"Sally, she didn't call last night?"

"She did. But she didn't speak that much," Berta continued with the reading of her novel.

"Basically Sally. Always bailing on us." I sighed.

We arrived on campus. I parked at my usual spot and shut the engine off.

"Party again? Tonight?" Berta asked.

"I'll mother grounded me for four weeks."

"Things never change. That's like a whole month," Berta took her belongings, exiting my car. I got out as well with my belongings and Berta and I walked in the school building, together.

"Hold up Berta, I need to get my Chemistry textbook," I told her and she nodded. "Wait for me here." I walked down the hall to my locker but something happened.

It was somewhat strange that the guy that I was with...well... that was trying to escape from those thugs, I assumed that I saw him. Problem was, I didn't know what he looked like so what I did was kept the blue feather in my purse just in case. I shook off the strange feeling and head back to where Berta was, the minute I fetched the book from my locker.

I made it back to Berta. She was busy eyeing out Ty in a distance. How will she even babysit his sister if she can't get her acts together? I'll leave this one up to her.

"I think you got drools on the side of your mouth," I told her, dazzling her out of her daydream.

She snapped out of it, "Shit...ah...I wasn't staring."

"Who said anything about staring?" I caught her.

She gave in, "Fine... maybe I was just staring a little."

"A little seems like a lot to me. Let's just head to class."

We both head to Chemistry class. Nothing changes at school. Just the same old routine over and over again, that tends to put us in a world of boredom. It bores me. Three long periods of Chemistry, I hit the bathroom for a quick piss. When I exited, Sally was there like she was waiting for me,

"Don't you have a class to teach Sally?" I asked, sarcastically.

"I know that tone, Robin. You're mad at me?" Sally asked, knowing that what she did was irresponsible.

"We were worried sick Sally. You can't keep bailing on us like that. You don't even know that Simon guy but you go where the ever with him. Come on Sal, you're acting like a bitch," it came out wrong, but I didn't mean any harm by it.

"Jeez Rob. I'm sort," she apologized. Let's get into Sally's bio. Sally was a substitute teacher for both Biology and Math. She was 19, a very young teacher, currently single, positive that she's not a virgin, don't know if she's bisexual, freaky but she knows who to play freak with but when she's at work, she takes it very seriously. Oh, I forgot, she a fucking horny ass babe. Call it that.

"Don't do that ever...ever again," I warned her, playfully.

"I will not do it ever." She emphasized.

"Tell me that you didn't fucked him." She walks me to the 4th period, Physics.

"We weren't even close enough to do that. We just met, why the rush."

"Good girl. At least you're taking your lessons," I smiled.

"Berta told me about the whole babysitting thing."


"We partying tonight?"

I sighed, "No...I have no room for that. I'm grounded."

"Sad. How long?"

"Four weeks."

"Wow...I'll come up with a plan. Don't sweat it." Sally pats my back.

"Okay." I entered the Physics class, hoping I will survive.

Berta's POV - Day 1 of Babysitting

Ty told me in English class that I should meet up with him after school. Here I was, waiting for him in the middle of the schoolyard. Since I didn't have a ride, he will take me to his house.

I think I can survive. I just need to breathe for a minute.


I could spot him in a distance. His beautiful eyes, huge biceps, scanning around. He noticed me and walked over. Let's just hope he was one of a kind.

"You're Berta?" He asked, a huge gap between our bodies. Not that I thought he would come any closer. He said it like it was the first he had ever seen me. Sucks.

I cleared my throat, "Yes."

"I will run you through the procedure while I drive you to my place. Simple and easy." He adjusted me like he was speaking to just any random girl at the bar.

We walked to his car and we both got in. My hands were presented on my laps the minute we entered. He started the car and chattering began.

"We have rules and rules that are not meant to be broken," he began.

"So are you going to drive me through the rules?" I asked, trying not to scream, grab him and kiss everything out of him. Not in the wrong way. Lol.

"When we get there. Just hang in there for a bit."

But he just told me that he will run me through the procedure while he drives. Fuck him, definitely not one of a kind.

The drive wasn't long. It took about half an hour. His house was huge but he wasn't filthy rich. Just a wealthy guy who can't keep what he has down there to himself. I was new to his property so I'll just try not to freak out and everything will be just fine. Right?

We entered the house. Like other guys, they will open the door for a lady to get in but he didn't do that. He presented himself inside before me. Wow. Jerk behaviours.

"My" He pointed upstairs. "Don't trust anyone with Lola." He walked me to the kitchen, "This is the kitchen."

It's quite obvious that it was the kitchen. Cliché.

He showed me around then, at last, he showed me, Lola. She was different but beautiful. One of her eyes were blue and the other was green. What a unique child? She was, awesome.

"Lola." He lifted Lola from her crib. The nanny was here, why does he need a babysitter? "Meet Berta."

"Hello, little one." I smiled at Lola.

"She gets a little bit too cranky when it comes to strangers," he explained

"Don't worry, I know how to handle babies," I kindly took Lola from Ty's hands and not a sound. She didn't cry but she stared at me. She smiled then her eyebrows furrowed. 

Her face was like "hey...I don't know you stranger" but she still kept quiet.

Ty was a little bit shocked, "Our nanny is going on a vacation and my parents are out of town as I mentioned. So please, take good care of Lola."

"Then where will you be?" I asked, the hair standing tall on my skin.

"Never question a guy. I will be back by nine in the nights. I hope you came prepared since you're staying over for the week."

I nodded. Cocky much.

"I will be back Lola. Take care. You're in good hands." He kissed Lola on the forehead then left.

Ty was not the type of handsome guy I thought he was, well...dreamt..of.
