Little Savage Robin: Three

Chapter Three: Messages From A Stranger

Robin's POV


With messy hair, I headed downstairs. A note. Mom left a note saying that I should not leave the house, only for school and eat breakfast in the microwave. I sighed drinking a refreshing glass of water. Then I heard voices.

" can't let anyone see you here."

"One more kiss. Just one more."

I heard kissing and moaning.

"Go now."

I walked out to see Jordin and wait, a guy. Wow. Look who's going to get grounded too.

"Now I see the reason why you wanted to borrow my car. I have a new story to report to mom today," I bragged and looked at them both.

"She wouldn't believe you anyway." Jordin crossed her arms across her chest.

"Really? Well...I recorded your ass Jordin."

The guy she was with was enjoying every moment of our conversation.

"What can I do so you can keep your filth shut?"

I smirked, "Let mom unpunished me and I will keep it shut."

"Deal." She rolled her eyes.

"If you want to keep Mr Hottie around, you can. But if you ever inform on me, I will inform on you. Got me?"

"Whatever." She took the guy's arm and led him out of the house. Easy.

I got myself ready for school, picked up Berta from Ty's house and headed to school after. I only had one session for Chemistry on a Tuesday in the mornings. In the middle of my free session, my phone beeped.

📳*Unknown* Hey dear.

I furrowed my eyebrows wondering who could be playing this stupid trick on me. It was not cool.

📳I'm not in the fucking mood for games with anybody. Get lost. (me)

I replied, shoving my phone in my backpack. After Math class, I had lunch with Berta. Sally was doing lesson planning for her upcoming class so she won't be joining us today.

Berta looked lost.

"I don't like that face. It scares me," I lost my appetite. Totally.

Berta pretended not to know what I was speaking about, "What..face?"

"Do I look stupid to you? Spill."

She took a very deep breath in, "Ty."

"Did he touched you? I swear if he did I wi—"

"He did nothing. The bad thing about it was, I didn't expect him to be this guy. The party guy who carries drunken girls over, take them for only a night then poof, they get lost. As for me, I am just the "babysitter" "

"Sorry to hear that hun." I pat her back. "Listen to me. You keep playing Ty's babysitter. He will see you one day you're there and he will start liking you. Trust me."

"You think so," she asked.

"Oh, I know so," my phone chimes. "Give me a second," I opened my phone to check a new message.

📳You can share that pizza with me. (Unknown)

Now I was starting to think someone was stalking me. Now, who the fuck will play that shit with me?

📳Motherfucker, you hear me out, delete my fucking number from your phone and get lost. (me)

"Who was that?" Berta asked, eating her veggies.

"Ah...just Jordin and her stupid jokes. Nothing serious." I lied.

Another message comes in.

📳I'm afraid I can't do that. (unknown)

I was getting quite annoyed by the motherfucker.

📳Reveal your fucking self. (me)

I didn't get a reply after that so I assumed that who the stalker was, let me be.

"What class do you have after this?"

"Ah...I don't think I have a class after this. Why do you ask?"

"I was wondering...if you could just tell Ty I have a crush on him when you have the time."

"You're joking right. Just hang in there, be the silent one and he will notice you sometimes," I told her.

"Okay." She sighed After our lunch break, I went back to sit my other classes since I lied to Berta telling her that I didn't have another class to get information out of her that school ended and I was on my way back home since I was grounded.

On my way back home, my phone chimed again.

📳You look fabulous. (unknown)

The fuck.

📳Why don't you just find someone else to lurk? (me)

📳Not gonna happen. (Unknown)

I was sick of this. Entirely sick of this freaking stalker. Sigh.

📳Just leave me alone. (me)

I was almost at home.  I was feeling quite exhausted and I could not wait to jump in bed and sleep my exhaustion off. My phone chimed again. Maybe I should get used to the fact that this stranger won't stop bugging me.

📳So...what are you up to? (Unknown)

I rolled my eyes.

📳I thought I told you to leave me alone and you're stalking me. (me)

I parked my car in front of my house then got out with my backpack in my hand.

📳Is that so? And I am a very nice stalker. (Unknown)

I smiled. Now I was starting to think that this stalker was an admirer. Like secret admirers. And I am starting to think that this stalker was more likely a guy.

📳Is it a problem to reveal yourself? (me)

I asked, walking inside the house since the door was already opened.

📳It could be a problem. (Unknown)

Jordin was with mom in the kitchen. They were talking. Mom had it in head that I was the worst of my sister and I should show my sister some more love. To be honest, I used to love my dad, I still do but he was far away from doing I don't know what and I just had to live with it.

📳What do you mean by that? (me)

I stepped inside the kitchen with my bag on one shoulder, "Good afternoon to you both."

"Good afternoon dear. Jordin and I was thinking if the three of us could go out and have some fun. Just the three of us," mom said.

My phone chimed again.

📳Don't sweat it. (Unknown)

I looked up from the phone to mom, "Which day is that?"

"Friday, after school."

"I'll pass. You and Jordin can hang. I have some works to finish up." I lied.

"Okay fine. Guess it's you and me then, Jordin," she turned to Jordin. I took a glass of water with me, upstairs to my room.

📳Can you at least give me a name so I can stop calling you stranger or stalker? (me)

📳Can't do that either. Just save me as anything that you have in mind. (unknown)

I stopped to think for a moment.

📳How about Jay? (me)

📳I can stick with that *smiles* (Jay)

📳So you're not going to tell me who you are? (me)

📳Nope. Not by any chance.(Jay)

📳But I don't see the sense why you're texting me. (me)

📳Just feel a little bit bored so I just felt like texting someone who doesn't know me. (Jay)

📳So this is not your first time stalking someone? (me)

📳Well, I used to stalk my ex-girlfriend. (Jay)

📳With what? (me)

📳A lot of stuff.(Jay)

📳So how old are you? (me)

I waited for him to respond but I didn't get any. So what I did was drank my water, took a shower, get some comfy clothes on and slept.

Berta's POV - Day 2 of Babysitting

I sat in the chair, rocking Lola to sleep. She was such a beautiful little baby girl who knew nothing about the world that revolves around her and I would like to make her tour the world someday when she gets older.

I kindly placed her in the crib and sat there watching her. She slept quite and peaceful. I went to get the notebook from the spare room I was recently sleeping in for the past one night. I had to get my homework done. Ty came in early today. I heard the open and shut off the front door. His boots thud to my room. The door was wide open so he could see me and I could see him.

"Berta," he began, greeting me.

"Oh hello," I looked up from my notebook.

"Did you feed her?"

"I did," I looked back down in the notebook, writing.

Silence hits the room after our small talk.

"So do you want to take a break for a bit?"

Wooooah! Did I just hear that? Nope, I didn't. Clearly, it was some misunderstandings.

"I will have to decline. I have to finish up my studies." I tried my hardest, playing hard to get as Robin would say.

"I can see that. If you need me just knock on my door and I'll see what I can do." He said, before leaving. My heart was beating like dangerously fast. Look what a guy could do to a girl's poor heart. I love the feeling. After my studies, I went to check on Lola. She was not asleep but she kept staring in the ceiling.

I slowly took her from her crib and walked her with me to the kitchen. I tested her bottle of tea to see if it was too hot for her but it wasn't. Maybe she was hungry so I fed her and she slowly drank her tea from the bottle.

Ty's footsteps trailed down the stairs. He stopped in his tracks looking at the both of us for a while, "I will be back. I'm just gonna buy some stuff for the house."

To be honest, this babysitting thing gets better and better.


I am loving this book so far. I definitely enjoy reading and writing it.

Q: Who likes Robin's stalker?

