Little Savage Robin: Four

Chapter 4: Another Blue Feather

Robin's POV


Jordin shook my body so hard my brains could fall out, "Wake up!"

I groaned, slapping the pillow against my face, "Urgh...go away."

"Fine." Jordin slides over the curtains, allowing the bright sunlight to hit my skin. She took up a cup with water and threw it at me.

I jumped up, "Hey...what did you do that for?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"You are not grounded anymore, thanks to me," she rolled her eyes.

"It's not like you had a choice," I yawned, probably had a little morning breath.

That meant I can party all nights!

"Whatever...I made breakfast so get your skinny ass downstairs. Mom went to work earlier than usual," she turned on her heels and exited my room. I had to change these damp sheets

I checked my phone for new messages. I suddenly smiled when I saw one from Jay, I just wished I knew his real name.

📩Good morning...can you share breakfast with me? (Jay)

This guy...he was quite good to talk with him.

📩I'm afraid it's not enough 😁 ...I gotta go by the way...I have to hurry to school. (me)

I got myself cleaned up, heading downstairs for breakfast.

"I made nachos and you are running late. I gotta run," Jordin took her nacho and left through the front door.

I grabbed the nacho and ran off to my car with it in my hand. I took a quick bite, rushing in and driving off as fast as I could. I finished the nacho and hurried off to school.


"This homework is due on Friday so please do it for your third homework grade," Mrs Mitchell told us, issuing a worksheet for homework.

"How was stuff with you and Ty?" I slightly leant over, whispering to Berta.

"Nothing happened as usual," Berta took the worksheet, Mrs Mitchell was handing to her.

"Good and I hope you're playing hard to get because I can't watch him break your heart," I told to her.

I loved Berta and if a guy breaks her heart, I will make his life a walking hell. My love for this girl was limitless, no boundaries to cross, no crossing any. I just needed the ultimate best for her.

"I got this covered," she smiled.

"I am not grounded anymore so you know I'm back to the parties, all the drinking at the clubs...using my fake IDs." I leant back in my comfy chair rocking it back and forth.

"Robin, please stop rocking the chair before you hurt yourself," Mrs Mitchell turned her fullest attention to me.

I stopped immediately dropping myself down on the chair and scribbled something at the margin of my notebook.

"If I could only find another blue feather around," I said in my mind.

I continued my scribbling and just thought I wanted to make an excuse to leave class.

I raised my hand in the air.

"What is it, Robin?" Mrs Mitchell asked, feeling quite annoyed.

"I think I have a really bad stomach ache. I need to use to the bathroom," I acted as if I was in complete pain.

"Maybe you want to poo..." Mrs Mitchell said and the class erupted in laughter. Way to go, Mrs Mitchell, "...hurry before it gets worst."

I stood from my chair and darted out of the classroom. When I was far away from the classroom I walked, blowing out a small breath. The class was boring. I had to admit. I fetched an apple from my locker. There was also a note inside that I haven't seen before. I took it out and began reading it. It said:

'I will be at the club you'll be attending tonight. See you there :)'

This could be from anybody around campus. I took the small note and closed the locker.

The note fell on the floor and I came upon another blue feather.

Maybe it wasn't anyone around campus after all. I have to find this guy, I have to make him reveal his identity to me and I must know his name.

Do you know what I've been thinking? He could actually go to this school...or maybe he was playing undercover. Who could know? I took the feather up and placed it inside my purse.

Now I had two blue feathers. How much will I find to get to him? But he said he would be at the club right? I have to keep a close look around. I went back to class after eating the apple.

"Seems like a lot of poo exited that small butt hole," Mrs Mitchell said to me the minute I stepped foot in class.

Really? The class erupted in laughter again. How great, a clown show.

"Guess it was a long shit," I sat back in my chair and Berta giggled a little.

"I hate to break this to you but she's actually funny. I l-love you anyway," Berta laughed, trying to regain her composure after.

After another class, Sally joined Berta and me for lunch. The thing was, we didn't eat lunch at the cafeteria but on a picnic table, under huge shady trees.

"So what makes you so interested in this Simon guy?" Berta asked, picking at her veggie salad, with a book opened next to her lunch.

"I don't know. I'm just drawn to him. This had never happened to me. Something about him makes me want to date again," Sally expands on her details, slamming her mouth on a slice of Hawaii pizza.

"You are quite old enough to date again but just be careful with guys these days," I told her clearly not joking around about something like this. The last time I dated a guy...I couldn't imagine the worst that could happen.

Let me take you back to the last six months.


"You know it's my favourite song." I smiled at Christopher who was now holding me in his arms, my head placed flat against his chest and he was caressing my cheek with his slightly rough fingers.

"I do," his husky tone always made me smile, always made me think everything was possible, always made me think everything I once thought was impossible could turn out to be possible. He made me felt real and alive.

"You know...I love you so much. So much I will do anything for you," I told him, feeling warm in his embrace.

"I know my little Robin," he smiled against my hair.

Wait for it to happen.

The following night I was at his place. He was on his phone saying something then I went to eavesdrop a little because Christopher was a dangerous underground fighter who will do anything to protect anything and anyone he loved. He was different when he was at school. He behaved like an undercover, wearing an eyeglass to be nerdy but he was a hot nerd, his body size from all the working out could tell that he was a physical nerd. I knew he was hitting the punching bag.

"Yes, baby. As soon as she leaves I will tell you when to come. I will tell you when okay?....bye." He hung up.

I felt a pang in my chest, a hard one that made it hard for me to breathe. I exited the kitchen to where he was, pretending like I didn't just hear that. I had a plan.

"I have to go. Mom called so..." I couldn't look him in the eyes. I couldn't, "Bye." I turned my back, grabbing the leather jacket from his couch and exiting through the door. I went to my car and got in. I drove it just a little bit away from his house so my car wasn't in sight.

I waited for almost an hour to see if the girl he was talking to would arrive. After another five minutes, I saw a blonde woman with a huge stomach...She rang the doorbell. Christopher opened the door and greeted her with a kiss.

I waited a little bit longer and she got in. Now, this was my time. I drove back to his house and ran to his door in anger bursting the door open.

They looked shocked as they looked at me.

Tears whelming up inside my eyes. I could not breathe.

"Rob-" He started, but I cut him off.

"What is this? This is how you love me by cheating with another girl behind my back!?" I was so upset. So upset my lungs, my heart, and my breathing was running out of options for me to live.

"Please," he darted from his seat and grabbed my arm, "... please let me explain."

I pushed his hand away, "You don't. Clearly you have another trophy girl."

"Listen to me Robin...hear me out."

"I don't deserve to hear you out, Chris. Why w- would you ev-even do t- this to me!?" I said between tears, stuttering and breaking.

"I didn't have a choice. I have a son on the way. I just didn't know how to tell you."

"What!? What are you talking about!? WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!?"

He swallowed making his Adam apple moved, "Before I started dating you, Clara and I had sex one night after a huge party. We were drunk but I wasn't fully drunk. I didn't know this would happen!"

"That's no excuse, Chris. When did you know she was pregnant!? Tell me the truth too?" I demanded him.

Clara sat there in guilt looking down. She couldn't take it.

He looked down, "The night when we first met."

I hit him across the face, "How cruel. The night you saw me, you shouldn't flirt with me when you knew you got someone pregnant. You shouldn't even date me. I am not needed here. It's over," I turned my back walking away but there was one important thing to ask, so I stopped in my tracks with my back turned to him, "Did you ever loved me?"

"No... you're like a sister to me."

With that...I just walked away.,

Flashback ends...

"Don't worry about me...I'm the guy expert here," Sally sipped on her cold milkshake.

"Before I forget, I am not grounded anymore and I will be hitting the club tonight," I told both Berta and Sally.

"That was though?" Sally asked.

I smiled, "I caught Jordin with a guy in the house. Probably they do the thing and I caught her when she was sneaking out with him."

"Let me guess what you said to her... you said that you should let your mom take you off punishment or else you'll tell her..." Sally guessed. She knew me better than anyone else.

"You guessed right. Tell us more about Simon to kill time." I told Sally. Berta was busy eating and reading a book. This girl really loved hitting the books. She was like a book nook.

We chatted about Simon and Ty just to kill time for a little while. School ended. I drove Berta to Ty's place and headed home right away to get something to eat, clean up and hit the club.

My entire body and hair were wrapped with a towel to soak the excessively waters from off my skin and also out my hair. My phone beeped and I instantly rushed over to see a message from Jay.

So are you in? (Jay)

I smiled.

Why not? Why can't you just tell me who you are?🤔 (me)

I sat on my bed waiting patiently for him to reply.

I can't okay. Too risky. (Jay)

I rolled my eyes to the back of my head then sighed.

I will find out who you are. Trust me on this. Details on what you'll be wearing to the club?


I need to know. Maybe he wouldn't tell me that either

😂😂You know I can't tell you that. (Jay)

I guessed right. I'm always right.

Argh come on stalker 🙄 (me)

He was stubborn. Maybe he had his reasons.

So we are back to that stage where you call me stalker!? 😔🤨 (Jay)

I set my fingers to replied to his text. I had an idea.

No...I had to ask. Can I call you then? (me)

I hoped he will say yes. I needed him to say yes.

How smart. I love smart...🙃 I'll think about it...but for now...I have to run. See you at the club. (Jay)

Great. He knew what I looked like and I had no clue what he looked like... But I am promising you that I will find out who he was and I am making sure of it...Just gimme a few days and I will prove my point easily.


Hey guys...thank you so much for your time. I really appreciate your kindness and for spending the time to read this chapter.

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