Chapter 55 - False Accusation

"You're late, Kilzachs."

" bad."

" explanation as to why you're late?" 

Hm, 'I was stuck in traffic'...probably wouldn't work. 

"Well...would you believe that I lost track or time while dabbling in some philosophy?" I replied sheepishly. 

"What does that even know what, never mind. Let's get to the matter at hand," Sighed Director Silva, relenting. 

Sweet, I got away with being late. I'd just arrived at her office, and she wasn't alone...a few X-Warriors were in here, including the two that I'd ran into today. Okay, now I know why I'm here...might as well play dumb though...after all, I haven't done anything wrong... 

"Right, so what is the matter at hand?" I inquired curiously. 

"Do you recognize these two men?" She responded, nodding at the two, whose injuries were all wrapped up in bandages.