Chapter 65 - Hanging Out(Part 1)

"No way...the Dud actually beat Tairo," Remarked Makoto in disbelief. 

Oh, that's right...this fat fuck is the same as Asshole. 

"What, you wanna challenge me too?" I inquired with a raised eyebrow.

"Hah, I-I've got better things to do than humor you, Dud."

"Y'know, I was expecting that to be one-sided, but not by that much, holy shit...also, you were enjoying yourself way too much, dude, you should've seen the look on your fact, you can see, I took a picture," Said Mitchell, showing me his I-Watch holoscreen. 

Woah...that smile looks kinda evil...did I really look like that while I was fighting? Hm, I should be more self-aware. 

"Well, what can I say, I've been waiting to do that for a really long time," I replied with a sheepish smirk, before stopping by Bytra and adding, "Hey, I'd absolutely love it if you challenged me to a fight fact, I encourage it."

"N-no, thanks," She responded, shrinking back.