Chapter 77 - Infiltration(Part 2)

Point-of-View: Mitchell Jones


"Damn it, why fucking now!? me...some...time...," Trailed off Kilzachs, losing consciousness as blood ran down his face. 

I caught him before he could hit the ground and propped him up against one of the walls. What just happened? 

"Sir, we have to kill him now, he's awakening a new power!" Exclaimed one of the Wights in alarm. 

"Don't you think I know that!?" Snapped the one in the middle, "We can't let him wake up, there's no telling what kind of power he'll gain!" 

I'm still pretty confused and overwhelmed by this situation, but one thing was clear...we can't let them do as they please...there's seven of us excluding Kilzachs and only five of them, so we have the numbers advantage.