Chapter 83 - Birthday

"Woah, for real!?" Exclaimed Taayin, standing up suddenly as Kumar made the announcement.

"Yes, for real...though I should tell you that the two from this Level Q class have already been picked, so don't get too excited," Replied Kumar with a sigh.


"Well, don't keep us in suspense, instructor," Chimed in Mitchell impatiently, "Who's it gonna be?" 

"Fine, I'll tell you, but before I do that...if anyone's unhappy that they were picked, don't take it up with me, my sis-...I mean, the director of the X-Warrior Zone picked them, so complain to her if you don't like it," He remarked, before answering, "So, yeah, the two that were picked are...Kilzachs Light and Katie Cummins."