Chapter 106 - Tournament Final

Just a minute to go before the final, I was currently making my way out to the arena, determined to hand Yugi a crushing defeat and have him suffer lasting humiliation. 

As I stepped out onto the arena and entered the Duel Field, Yugi walked in as well, a smug look on his face...he's totally underestimating me, isn't he? Well, that's fine, I'll just have to make sure he regrets that. 

"Now, ladies and gentlemen, the moment you've all been waiting for, the final match of the X-Warrior Championship 2116...Yugi Suzuki vs Kilzachs Light! Let the countdown begin!" Exclaimed the announcer enthusiastically, pumping up the excitement in the crowd, prompting loud cheers. 

Naturally, the arena's still all torn up from the last match...considering how much Sakura tore it up with her energy arms, there was no way an hour would be even nearly enough to repair so much as a fraction of the damage.