Chapter 111 - Intense Interview

I could try saying 'no comment' again, but if this guy continues to press me, I'll probably lose my temper...I suppose I might as well give an honest, brief answer. 

"No, there's not. We're teammates and friends, and that's all I'm going to say on that matter. Now, I'm happy to answer any questions regarding literally anything else, so-," I began with a frown. 

"Many people online are speculating that the reason you were so brutal in defeating Yugi Suzuki in the final was because he hurt your alleged girlfriend in the previous match. Considering that the pictures taken went so viral, don't you think you owe it to your fans to give them some answers?" 

Huh? The fuck kinda logic is that!? I don't owe a goddamned thing to anyone-...easy, keep calm, this guy isn't worth losing my shit over...