Chapter 118 - Attention

Today's the 26th of September, on a Monday, and it was the first day back in classes after the end of the X-Warrior Championship. I was currently standing by the stairs leading up to the entrance of the Academy, a deep sense of reluctance in me. 

I really don't want to go in...I did eventually reply to the massive pile of messages I'd gotten from most of them, but I hadn't actually met any of them in person since the tournament, except for Katie and that one time I ran into Suri, so I was kinda dreading how they might react when I enter the classroom...though that isn't the main reason for my hesitancy.

No, the main reason was-...ugh, I don't even want to think about it, it makes me shudder in far, I've been pretending that it didn't even happen, but I won't be able to for much longer, and the thought of that put a pit in my stomach, along with a sense of anxiety.