Chapter 129 - Gamble(Part 2)

"The procedure should be done within the next couple of minutes, I think," Informed Director Silva, as she received a message on her I-Watch. 

"Is it just me, or is this taking longer than the Awakening Procedure usually does?" I inquired with a concerned sigh. 

"Well, yes...but nothing's gone wrong so far, the processes are just slower with Wights, I guess. They just finished embedding the Awakening chip in him, so it shouldn't be too long before it's done," She informed me. 

"Alright, and then what? How do we prove that nothing went wrong?" I inquired skeptically. 

"Simple...we run some practical tests, to measure the extent and limits of his power," She replied objectively. 

Wait, hold on a sec... 

"What, does that mean you want me to spar with him or something?" I asked warily.