Chapter 137 - Combat Androids(Part 4)

I sprang back as the android pointed its fingers at me and fired out a barrage of bullets in my direction, narrowly avoiding taking any hits as I put up my barrier. The barrage then ceased as Bytra swung her whip up, which struck its arm and wrapped around it, restraining it. 

The android then abruptly jerked its arm up, causing Bytra to lose her balance and nearly fall over, and the instant she stumbled, the android shot down towards her rapidly, extending out its arm blades as I began to close in on her...before suddenly halting and flying away as Kiran expanded his swatter right between them, putting up a wall. 

Bytra quickly dissipated her manifestation and zipped across, sticking by the edge of the barrier as she kept her distance from the android, which was watching her closely. I then took aim and flung one of my X-Blades at it with a rapid spun, targeting the joint in its neck, in an attempt to take its head off.