Chapter 141 - Upgrades

This is so exciting...I can barely contain myself! Today's the 13th of October, and I was currently outside Ruby's place, knocking on the door. Yesterday had been the second training session with my temporary team, and things had been a little bit tense between Bytra and I, after that 'conversation' we had in the bus. 

It wasn't significant enough to disrupt the training though, so I didn't bother addressing it, nor do I plan to. The tension still annoyed me though. But then, once I got home, I got a bit of a pick-me-up. Ruby gave me a call, to inform me of the completion of a couple of the weapons I'd requested...well, more specifically, they were mostly upgrades to a couple of my current weapons, but the technicalities don't matter. 

I'd been a bit worn out last night, so I told her that I'd come pick 'em up the next day, which is now today. It was around 6 PM, I'd made my way over here after classes, since I didn't feel like waking up early.