Chapter 147 - Time Trouble(Part 6)

Damn it, what the hell's going on here!? I don't understand this, seriously, what went wrong this time!? It's definitely not the Crocsnek, I didn't feel any rumbling, not to mention that the blackout didn't happen this time. 

What's more...the spread of damage to this building was starting to slow down and settle a bit, which means that what caused the explosion must have been some kind of bomb. 

The X-Warrior Zone does manufacture bombs, but they aren't sold to the public, or even accessible to X-Warriors. It's hard to believe that someone involved in the manufacture of the bombs would do this, in fact, that's pretty much impossible. Director Silva assigned only her most trusted subordinates to that task, and I'm fairly confident in her judge of character. 

I suppose there's a possibility that she misjudged one of them, but I highly doubt which case, maybe this was a different explosive, a homemade bomb, perhaps?