Chapter 154 - Time Trouble(Part 13)

Point-of-View: Aku


Hm? Oh, looks like someone's breaking down the door to this control room...guess that's my cue to leave, I've done enough damage as it is. 

After I left the Sanctuary following my encounter against that time-manipulator, I had initially planned to head straight back and regroup with the other Wights, but then I came across what appeared to be a large, metal fortress.

I realized that the Sanctuary must be expanding their territory with these, and immediately reported back using the telepathic link that had been active since before I first infiltrated the Sanctuary. 

The link was with a Wight named Sai, and the only way to break the link was for him to replace it with a telepathic link with someone else. Once he reported my findings to the higher ups, he gave me my next orders...infiltrate the base and learn about how it works.