Chapter 157 - Teamwork Exam(Part 1)

"Yo, been a while, little dude!" 

" you're the one who's assigned to observe and guard us this time, huh?" I responded with a sigh. 

"What's with that tone, man, so not rock!" Replied Altan with a shake of his head. 

Right, so today's the 28th of October, and it was about time for the teamwork exam to begin. My permanent teammates and I had gathered at a Teleportation Point a few minutes ago, waiting to meet the Ace that was going to be in charge of our group. 

He just showed up, and it turned out to be Altan Jargal...I was kinda hoping to meet an Ace that I hadn't met before, but he's not so bad, I guess. Sure, he has way too much energy and is aggravatingly loud, but besides that, he's a nice enough guy. 

"You've met him before, Kilzachs?" Inquired Mitchell, slightly wide-eyed. 

"Yeah, something like that," I responded with a shrug.