Chapter 160 - Teamwork Exam(Part 4)

"Hey, you sure you don't want me to jump in? Just say the word and I'll do it," Remarked Altan in a hopeful tone. 

Man, he must really be bored, huh... 

"If things get out of hand, then you can take over," I responded, before addressing my teammates, "Alright, Katie, take the lead. Seila, Suri, fan out a bit and follow after her from a distance, provide back-up if necessary. I'll cover you from further behind. Mitchell, keep an eye out and let us know if any other Mutants show up. Got it, everyone?" 

"Got it!" They all responded affirmatively, before Katie began heading forward. 

Altan was looking pretty disappointed, guess he was really hoping to get a chance to shine, huh. But I don't plan to give him a chance unless absolutely necessary, for two reasons. First, because it might affect our final score for the exam. And second, because his attacks would negatively affect us too, not just the Mutants.