Chapter 167 - Voice in my Head(Part 1)

I flopped down onto my bed with a strained sigh, grimacing as I stared up at the ceiling with a sense of frustration. It was currently the 2nd of November, sometime in the evening, a little over two days after the end of the combat exam. 

After I killed the Crocsnek and passed out, Bytra had apparently dragged both Johan and I back to the base. At least, she tried to, but we were too heavy for her. Fortunately, the X-Warriors posted at the base rushed over to see what happened...naturally, they had felt the impact of the shockwaves caused by the Mutant and couldn't just ignore it. 

They then took us back to the Sanctuary, where Johan and I were taken to the underground facility in the X-Warrior Zone for treatment. Bytra only had minor wounds thanks to Johan healing her before he passed out, so she just went home after a quick check-up at a regular hospital.