Chapter 173 - Christmas Party(Part 3)

Man, everyone's kinda on edge thanks to this game. And as a result, they'd drank a bit more than they otherwise would. Are games supposed to be this stressful? Four turns had been completed so far, after Zoya's turn ended, Lin and Taayin went next, both of them choosing dare. 

Lin's dare was to take off an article of clothing, which she had no trouble doing, since she was wearing an unbuttoned shirt over a tube tob. She took the shirt off with a nonchalant shrug, completing the dare pretty much instantly. 

And Taayin's dare was to speak in a high-pitched voice till his next turn, though he seemed pretty disappointed that he got such an innocuous dare. Some of the others seemed kinda envious that he'd gotten an easy dare, especially Zoya.