Chapter 175 - Christmas Party(Part 5)

"Wait, seriously? Isn't that kind of a childish game?" Responded Suri with a raised eyebrow. 

"Heh, ordinarily, yes...but we're all drunk and high, so it's gonna be a fucking blast! Plus, I've got a couple of original rules that'll make it extra fun!" Mitchell grinned in reply. 

His face was flushed and his eyes were red, he's definitely a fair bit drunk and high right now. And, well, I guess I am too...and so is everyone else. 

"What rules? It better not be anything creepy," Frowned Zoya with a suspicious look on her face, as she slurred slightly. 

"Hey, what do you take me for?" He responded indignantly, before adding as he pulled out some water guns from under the couch, "The first rule is that we'll have three seekers, and the remaining six will pair up and hide! Oh, and when a seeker finds a hider, they tag them with these water guns!" 

"Uh, how many things are you hiding under that couch?" I inquired in bemusement.