Chapter 178 - Confession

Hm...? Where am I...? That's an unfamiliar ceiling...also, I don't think I'm on a bed. Huh? Wait, am I on the floor? Ow, my back is kinda sore. I sat up a with a groggy groan, before rubbing my head as I felt a slight pain...did I hit my head? No, I don't think so...this feels more like a headache than a bump or something. 

Oh, wait, it's starting to come back to me...we played several rounds of that water tag game, and we took shots in between, plus smoked some more wonder my head feels so heavy, I probably have a hangover. 

And my throat is all dry and rough, it feels annoying, the more I try to clear it, the more irritating it feels. I don't like it. Hm? Oh, I'm not alone...looks like everyone else had fallen asleep in spots where you usually wouldn't go to sleep. Most of them were on the floor, while some were sprawled across the couches.