Chapter 189 - Level K

"There better be a good reason for why you called me here this early in the morning," I grumbled, as I shut the door behind me.

"Come on, don't be like all likelihood, this'll be one of the last times I get to call you to my office like this," Responded Director Silva with a wry, tired-looking smile, dark circles under her eyes. 

She looked pretty worn out and exhausted, having been super busy lately. There's pretty much no chance that she'll be re-elected in the upcoming elections for the X-Warrior Zone, but she was still doing everything she possibly could to ensure a smooth transition. 

"Trying to guilt-trip me is a cheap shot, director. But I guess I can at least say this much, you're a good leader. A really good one," I remarked...I wasn't trying to be nice, I've genuinely been appreciative of the way she's dealt with everything that's happened in the last year or so.