Chapter 192 - Tension

"You again...," I growled, as he walked in with a frown. 

"Tch, just my luck," He muttered in response, before addressing us, "Let me make this clear, you brats...I was forced into this, so I'm not going to waste any effort here. This is beneath me."

"Yeah? Well, then get lost," I stated bluntly. 

"Wha...!? Tch, you little shit...piss me off and I'll-," He began with a growl. 

"You'll what? Get your ass handed to you by me...again?" I taunted him. 

"Why, you-...don't get cocky, you little shit, I'm a lot stronger than I was during the tournament. It won't go the same as last time," He shot back, as he took a threatening step forward. 

"Oh, yeah, you really think so? In that case, why don't you prove it?" I provoked him, as my hands shifted towards my X-Blade handles. 

"Dude, maybe you should stop...," Whispered Mitchell, as a tension filled the air. 

"Yeah, this seems like a bad idea," Added Seila with a look of concern.