Chapter 198 - Evolve

"Kilzachs, what do we do?" Inquired Suri, a tone of panic in her voice, snapping my out of it. 

I have to give everyone a clear picture of what they need to do, and I have to do it now, or we're dead! 

"Yugi, cast an illusion that'll make them see a wall between us and them! There's no way in hell we can't take those numbers in a straight fight, we have to slow them down, use your illusions! Katie, go all out and blast the things! Mitchell and Seila, pick them off but keep a distance! Grey, get some distance with the clients, drive back! Go with him, Suri, stay on top of the jeep, in case more Mutants show up on the way back. And...I'm heading for the vanguard!" I stated my instructions urgently and clearly, as I began recording through my glasses' lens. 

"Easy enough...," Muttered Yugi in response, as the Ronas suddenly halted, some of them losing control a bit, while some began flying upwards.