Chapter 211 - Invasion(Part 8)

Point-of-View: Suri Patel


N-no...this...this can't be happening. How...h-how could they do this? Those...those monsters!'s been completely destroyed... 

I had come to the Shopping District to get some sweets, arriving here right as the announcement about the invading Wights went off...and not long after that, I got notifications on my I-Watch, stating that some of the Wights had entered the other quadrants. 

I decided to stick around this area in case they came here, and as I made my way to Delectables...there they were, killing everyone in sight. No, now that I look closer, that's not quite accurate...they had already killed everyone in sight...

There had to be about thirty of them here...and all the corpses that lay around them in puddles of blood, they were probably all just ordinary civilians, not X-Warriors or even members of the police force.