Chapter 215 - Invasion(Part 12)

Point-of-View: Sakura 


"And stay down!" I exclaimed, as I bashed a Wight to the ground, splitting his head open with a loud crunch. 

I then let out a sigh as I deactivated my manifestations, having wiped out a group of over twenty Wights here in the East Quadrant. Unfortunately, they had slaughtered over fifty X-Warriors and members of the police force before that, in addition to a number of civilians. 

Normally, X-Warriors are supposed to stick with their set teams on Missions, but this happened so suddenly that there was simply no time to group up with your teammates. 

And the Aces, which newly includes me, were ordered to go solo, since we're so heavily outnumbered and stretched thin against the Wights. Most of these Wights seem to be about as skilled as our Q-Ranked and lower end K-Ranked X-Warriors, with a few that were a bit stronger, and on top of that, they all clearly have a lot more real combat experience.