Chapter 225 - Hostage Situation(Part 2)

In the end, no one could come up with a solid strategy on how to pull this off, so we just went with what we'd already planned out...Yugi would use his illusions to mask our presence as we approach the building, and then I'd freeze time inside the building once we get inside. 

Excluding the ten Aces, four others were also a part of this operation...namely me, Katie, Hebi and Yugi. Fourteen of us, and close to three hundred Wights in for the hostages, there were more than five hundred of them. 

"I'm a bit surprised that there aren't any Wights standing guard outside," Frowned Zarina, as we scouted the building from the rooftop of a nearby hotel. 

"They've probably decided that it's too risky," Pointed out Kilella in response. 

Yeah, if there were guards outside the doors, they'd be pretty easy to pick off from a distance, especially for me. Well, if I had my usual weapons, that is...without a gun, my long-range attacks are off the table.