Chapter 239 - Mansion Party(Part 3)

"Wow, I've never tasted any alcohol like this! So, this is what top shelf booze tastes like, huh? So good!" Grinned Mitchell, as he gulped down his glass. 

"I agree, I've never had anything this rich and smooth before, it's amazing," Nodded Grey, as he slowly sipped his drink. 

"Yeah, I'm not even gonna pretend I understand...all alcohol tastes the same to me," I shrugged in response. 

"Same here...well, I can tell that this tastes different, but if you handed me a glass of this and a glass of cheaper alcohol, I wouldn't be able to tell which is of a higher quality," Added Katie wryly. 

"I really haven't drank all that much before, so I'm in the same boat," Grinned Seila sheepishly. 

"You guys really can't tell? Well, my mom stores a lot of bottles at home, which I often sneak small amounts from when I'm stressed out or whatever, so I can kinda tell that this is a lot more fancy than the more typical stuff," Said Suri with a shrug.