Chapter 248 - Harem Route(?)(Part 5)

"S-so, uh...would you say that you're into typical male fantasies?" Suri asked me, squirming awkwardly as her gaze darted about. 

Uh...say what, now?

"No sure how to answer that, uh...sure, I guess," I shrugged in response. 

"Hey, that was way too vague," Katie frowned as she nudged Suri. 

"Huh? How so!?" She responded indignantly. 

"...because it wasn't specific," Replied Katie in bemusement. 

"Okay, seriously, what is this about?" I sighed in exasperation. 

"We're easing into it, don't worry about it. Next there anyone you're in love with at the moment?" Inquired Katie in response. 


"Ooh, good one," Nodded Suri in approval, before they both stared at me expectantly. 

"I-I, uh...I don't know," I mumbled as I averted my gaze. 

"No fair, you have to answer properly!" Protested Suri immediately. 

"Yeah, what she said," Nodded Katie in agreement. 
