Chapter 250 - The New Director(Part 2)

"Looks like we got here right on time," Remarked Kilella, as she knocked on the door, with about a minute left before the time we'd been asked to come in at. 

"Come in!" Came a voice from inside, before she opened the door and we walked in, shutting the door behind us as we entered the room. 

Max Treem, the new director of the X-Warrior Zone, was seated at the desk that Director Silva used to be at. 

He was in his early forties, with neatly cropped black hair that was graying along the sides and back, bright orange eyes, and a goatee. He wore a black suit with a dark blue tie, and had a silver stud pierced in his left earlobe. 

"Ah, welcome. I'm the new director of the X-Warrior Zone, Max Treem. As I understand it, the two of you siblings played a significant hand in driving back the recent Wight attack. I apologize for not getting around to greeting and thanking you sooner, things have been rather hectic lately," He greeted us with an apologetic smile.