Chapter 264 - Team Addition(Part 4)

"Alright, looks like our time is almost up. Stretch to warm down and then let's pack up," I remarked, as I glanced at the time. 

"It''s finally over, I thought it'd never end," Sighed Mitchell dramatically. 

"That was...that was awful, I've never been this worn out before. I'm so freaking sore," Added Hebi, struggling to catch his breath. 

"Yeah, you really need to build up your stamina. I'll talk to the new director about getting a treadmill or something to your place," I suggested objectively. 

"H-huh? I, uh, I really don't think that's necessary, dude," He responded with a look of alarm. 

"Well, you have the least stamina of all of us, so I think it is necessary," I stated firmly. 

"," He groaned, as he lay down on the floor with a weary sigh. 

"Don't worry, after about four or five of these sessions, your body will start to get used to it. Well, kinda," Grinned Grey wryly.