Chapter 267 - Rankings

"Wonder what this is about?" Mused Mitchell curiously. 

"Who knows, it's probably just some generic lecture on safety or whatever," Shrugged Suri in response. 

"It's strange that they haven't at least informed us about what this is," Frowned Seila. 

"In that case, maybe it's bad news?" Suggested Grey warily. 

"Guess we'll find out soon enough," Remarked Katie, nodding to the front. 

Today's the 2nd of February, and classes had finally started back up again. But not long after we all got here, the instructors told us to gather in the auditorium, and once we made our way there, we saw that every student at the Academy was there. 

And up on the podium, along with the instructors, was Director Treem. It's been about a week since Katie and I went to his office, and so far, there's been no sign that he plans to announce what we told him publicly.