Chapter 287 - Restraint

Point-of-View: Kilella Floence 


I flew up as the Wight, Wahi, fired out a massive, swirling XFE blast at me, killing a couple of the other Wights as I evaded it, before he suddenly leapt up straight towards me, reaching out to grab hold of me as he closed in. 

I began to fly up and out of the way, but before I could get away, he grabbed my leg and swung me down at the ground with immense force. 

As I crashed onto the ground with a grimace, puffs of dust bursting up around me, he plummeted down towards me with his feet pointed down at me, aiming to slam them onto me. 

Right as he closed in, I swiftly rolled out of the way, narrowly avoiding his feet, as they slammed onto the ground with a devastating impact, the sheer force bursting out a shockwave that send me flying across the area, before I abruptly spread out my wings to halt myself.