Chapter 302 - Mutant Army(Part 7)

Good, looks like the retreating efforts have resumed. I can see Suri and Grey there too, with Taayin having reluctantly joined the retreat as well...I don't see Seila or Mitchell anywhere though, hope they're okay. Katie and Hebi are helping with the Werewolf.

"You little pest...I'll crush you!" Growled the Bahamut, as it flew up, unable to stand as I'd broken its left ankle, which was starting to swell up. 

"You should be more aware of your surroundings, you overgrown lizard," I smirked in response, as Kumar sprang up behind him with his Colossus manifestation active and grabbed the Mutant's ankles, rapidly swinging it down onto the ground. 

I swiftly froze time around the point of impact as the Bahamut was slammed face first onto the ground with immense force, in order to prevent the shockwave and dust cloud from spreading out too far and affecting the others who were currently fighting the Werewolf.