Bonus Chapter - Real or Not?

Hm...? Where am I? This doesn't make any sense...I don't recognize my surroundings at all. Am I still even in the Sanctuary? 

A loud noise then startled me, and as I turned in that direction, my eyes widened in's a car. Plus a whole lot of other vehicles. 

Weird...thanks to teleportation platforms and efficient public transport, plus the inconvenience of being unable to travel in your own vehicle outside of your own Quadrant, only the stupidly rich have their own vehicles. 

I mean, I've got a motorcycle, sure, but that's only because I can take it wherever I want using Cut and Paste. 

Huh, actually, it's been a really long time since I last used my bike, I bought it because it looked cool, but it's really not very practical, I hardly ever use it.