Chapter 315 - Charades(Part 6)

"I so don't envy her right now," Muttered Seila, as Makoto walked over towards Zoya, practically foaming at the mouth in anticipation. 

"I swear, try anything and I'll break your arm," She warned him, as he stood behind her. 

"Totally worth it," He smirked in response. 

"I hate this game so much," She groaned, before reluctantly adding, "Alright, you perverted asshole, get this over with."

"My pleasure," He grinned, as he raised his hand with the palm open and swung it down, spanking her left butt cheek with a loud smack...and as soon as his hand made contact, in the blink of an eye, he gave it a swift squeeze. 

"Wh-wha-...don't say I didn't warn you!" She snapped as her face turned red, spinning around as he quickly sprang back with a satisfied look on his face, before she chased after him.