Chapter 341 - Self-Destruct

"Huh? What are you saying? I thought-...?" Began Icell in bewilderment. 

"Hurry up and do it, now! There's no time to explain! I...I just jumped back in time to this moment, I almost died over there. That...that thing, we can't afford to let it live!" I snapped urgently. 

"But, the people there...," He trailed off with a grimace, looking like he was having trouble processing what I just said. 

Wait, that's right, I completely forgot... 

"Quickly, take me down to the underground facility, I need a wide, open space...I managed to secure all the survivors I came across, but we need to hurry or they'll be killed too. I'll explain in detail later, for now, you have to trust me and do exactly as I say!" I exclaimed, grabbing his shoulders and meeting his gaze to try and convey the gravity of the situation. 

"I-...y-yes, okay, I'll trust you," He nodded after initially looking overwhelmed.