Chapter 343 - Ambush

Point-of-View: Sakura


"It's so freaking cold...," Frowned Firyal, rubbing the sides of her arms as she exhaled, a slight misty cloud flowing out of her mouth. 

"You don't have to state the obvious, you know, it doesn't help make it any less cold," I sighed in response, as I shivered and sharply inhaled with my nose as it began running a bit. 

Today's the 28th of April, and we were currently outside the Sanctuary, on a bodyguard Mission. Specifically, we were guarding a crew who were cleaning a section of the Sanctuary's dome that had gotten blanketed with a thick layer of snow. 

Mutants aren't a worry here, as we're over a hundred kilometers within the boundary of the outermost ring of outer bases. With the warding radiation, Mutants can't get anywhere close to here.