Chapter 353 - Vine Invasion(Part 10)

Point-of-View: Altan Jargal


"How do you know which way is right, are we really heading in the right direction?" Inquired Iro in confusion, as we rushed through the streets.

"I'm using Echolocation, a new Technique Manifestation I came up with recently. It was a pain to master and makes me kinda dizzy the more I use it, but I can use it well enough that it's reliable now. However, I can only use it with Manifestation Surge, so I can't conserve as much XFE as I'd like to right now," I sighed wistfully. 

"You can do that? Track people through sound like a bat?" He responded in surprise. 

"Ohh, way better than a bat, I can assure you," I smirked wryly.

"That's really useful, this way we can make sure than we won't be left out of the action! So, where are the closest vines?" He inquired, as we shot past an area full of withered corpses.