Chapter 357 - Reinstated

"Just stay in bed, it's barely been a day since you regained consciousness!" Snapped Suri, pushing me down by the shoulders. 

"I'm telling you, I feel totally fine! Come on, I need to train, we just barely survived this last battle!" I protested indignantly. 

"You stubborn jerk...! Hey, Katie, quit just standing there and watching, help me out here! Zap him back to sleep or something!" She exclaimed, as I began pushing back. 

"Hell no, you won't, do not zap me or I will look to get payback, and trust me, you don't want that!" I responded in alarm. 

"Yeah, I don't like the sound of that. You look like you've got this under control, Suri," Shrugged Katie, as she headed out the room, "I'm gonna go get something to eat." 

"Oh, come on! Kilzachs, be reasonable, just rest for one more day! It won't be any use if you overwork your body, you know," She tried to persuade me.