Chapter 364 - More Time Trouble(Part 1)

Damn it, my head is killing me...I stared up at the ceiling with a grimace, as a bead of sweat ran down the side of my face. Today's the 5th of May, 2117, and for the last few days, I've been having these strange headaches. 

Strange...but not unfamiliar. They feel just like the headaches I get whenever I use Tier One or anything else related to time manipulation...ever since I tried to create an Anomaly equivalent of Technique Manifestation, I've been occasionally getting these headaches. 

They don't last very long and aren't actually that painful, but they're certainly not pleasant...images flash through my head, some familiar and some not so familiar, and I'm left with a seriously unsettling feeling by the time it fades. 

And over the last few days, they've grown more frequent and last a lot longer, I really don't like this one bit. What's causing this, or rather, why is it happening?