Chapter 366 - More Time Trouble(Part 3)

"Uh, excuse me, but I'm not a Demon...I'm a time traveler, I came from the future. I found myself here by accident, but I should be gone shortly, so-...woah!" I exclaimed, as I sidestepped to avoid the swing of a sword. 

"This strange manner of doubt about it, this is a Demonic entity, we must slay it!" Exclaimed one of the Knights, as several of them raced in towards me with their swords drawn. 

What, because I'm speaking using contractions!? How does that make me Demonic!? What's wrong with people from olden times!? Are they really that bored!? 

Damn it, I'm not sure if I should fight back against them...killing them might make big changes to history and mess up the future. It was fine with the dinosaurs because they'll all be killed by the meteor least, I think it'll be fine. Too late to worry about that now. 

Okay, if I'm not gonna kill them...I have no choice but to escape, it's my only option.