Chapter 368 - The God of Time and Space

I...I can see it. I can see it all. I know it all. Every single second of every instant of time throughout history and the future, it's all in my head, every last detail. 

In this moment...I exist nowhere and everywhere at the same time, I'm watching every single microsecond of every moment throughout history and the future, observing it all simultaneously. 

I possess the knowledge of everything...I've frozen time around certain parts of my brain to keep it from getting overloaded with the information, but I can still access all of it. I've kept my brain functions looped in this moment of time, and I can access all the information inside it. 

And I've gained an understanding over my powers like never before, a sense of clarity that makes it seem like I didn't even properly understand a single percent of my powers before...let's see what I can do with this...