Chapter 373 - Uprising(Part 1)

"Is it weird to say that I kinda miss evolved Mutants?" Sighed Seila wistfully, as she effortlessly cut down a group of Doggos half-heartedly. 

"I know what you mean, there aren't any Mutants that are a threat to us anymore. Pretty soon, we might be out of a job at this rate, these things could easily take over any Mutant extermination jobs," Responded Suri, as she gestured to the pair of androids that were following us. 

Today's the 2nd of October, 2130, and I was out on a Monster extermination Mission with my team. It was me, Seila, Suri, Zera and Hebi, and honestly, any one of us could've easily soloed this assignment. 

Heck, even Ace Mutants aren't a challenge anymore, and they're the strongest threats we've got now. I still don't understand how all the evolved Mutants suddenly vanished without a trace, and obviously, if they're really gone for good, then that's undoubtedly a positive.